Personalized Learning : The Ultimate Guide

The term personalized learning or personalization refers to a variety of educational programs, learning experiences, learning approaches and academic support strategies that address the different learning needs, interests, aspirations or cultural backgrounds of individual learners. For example, teachers can provide the same type of education, the same objectives, and the same grades, with slight variations or varies from student to student. Personalized learning can also be called student-centered strategies.

This wing of the movement typically argues that learning happens when schools appeal to students’ interests and hobbies and give them individual opportunities to explore and ask questions. John Payne, a senior fellow at RAND Corporation and one of the leading researchers in the personalized learning movement, says the reason lies in the incredible variability in how personalized learning actually occurs in real-life classrooms. Proponents of personalized learning say that many elements of curriculum, assessment, and curriculum must be present for learners to be successful, and often use software systems to guide.

Advocates argue that teachers must continually evaluate student learning against clearly defined standards and goals ; student contributions to the assessment process are integral. A personalized classroom approach benefits both learners and teachers by providing a personalized learning experience so that learners can pursue their interests at their own pace and allowing teachers to focus on orientation, support and long-term planning. When students are allowed to work at their own pace and in a manner that best suits their learning style, they are given the opportunity to master each topic of the curriculum.

In a traditional classroom, teachers have to deliver lessons at a specific pace which can leave some students behind and leaves faster learners uninterested. Because individual teaching involves developing personalized lesson plans that reflect the interests and needs of each student and use technology for one-to-one learning. The student learning experience – what they learn and how, when and where they learn – is customized to their individual needs, skills and interests.

By organizing resources around each student we can provide a personalized, community-integrated learning experience with the appropriate support, as shown in the graph above. While the place, time and method of teaching may vary according to their needs, students also develop deep bonds with themselves, teachers and others. When students find their hobbies, they find that they share hobbies and interests with other classmates in the class and form interest groups for group projects and learning.

Educators can learn about the latest research, follow opinion leaders, listen to teachers and students, find strategies to support the changing roles of teachers and students and build your professional network. Through this work NCLD seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and action so that educators are better prepared, parents are more informed and policymakers are willing to develop personalized learning systems in which students with disabilities can fully participate, learn and prosper.

First, personalized learning always includes these four pillars: focused learning, data-driven decisions, flexible content and student reflection and accountability. Check out our official Core Four doc for a more detailed description of these elements as well as classroom examples. Another answer is that it “depends on the circumstances”: we strongly believe that school leaders and teachers are best suited to create learning models that meet the needs of their students.

But solutions offered by the educational technology industry are usually directed towards solving superficial problems related to pedagogy or school structure, without recognizing that the root cause of these problems is very often systemic inequality. This language focuses on scarcity as well as learning loss, acceleration or recovery. They ignore skills learned by students during the global pandemic such as resilience, adaptability and possibly empathy.

Without personalization there is a gap between the individual learner and the support they need to succeed based on their interests. In a very broad sense, the idea is to customize learning experience for each student based on their unique capabilities, skills, preferences, backgrounds and experiences. It is hoped that this will improve a wide range of student achievement from commitment to achievement to well-being. Personalized learning is changing the way students and teachers learn with the student agency as the primary engine of learning.

One-to-one learning allows all students at Belmont-Cragin Elementary School in Chicago to get the information they need and fill out the questionnaires. These findings indicate that the use of personalized learning significantly improved student test scores based on a Gates Foundation study, although they may not directly relate to personalized learning experiences.

Dr. CesAri Garca-Delmuro in his study of personalized learning argues that other researchers continue to incorporate the voice of teachers in their research into personalized learning programs as a way to improve these programs for teachers and students.

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